Finding Your Swiss Army Manager

As a small business owner, finding the right employees can be challenging. Small businesses often need more resources than larger companies with dedicated HR departments and established hiring processes. They may need more time or expertise to manage the hiring process.

We will seek to put you at ease in today's special edition. We will be discussing the following component of hiring. 

  • Why having a baseline process is important

  • The key components you should have in your process, regardless of position 

  •  A few tips for finding the right candidate.

Why having a documented hiring process is important?

  1. Attracting the right candidates: A well-designed hiring process can help attract the right candidates. By clearly outlining the requirements and expectations of the position in the job posting, you can ensure that the candidates who apply are a good fit for the role.

  2. Reducing bias: A structured hiring process can help reduce bias in the hiring process. By using consistent criteria to evaluate candidates and conducting interviews that are focused on job-related skills and qualifications, you can help ensure that your hiring decisions are based on merit rather than subjective factors.

  3. Ensuring compliance with laws and regulations: A well-designed hiring process can help ensure that your organization complies with all applicable laws and regulations related to hiring and employment. This can help protect your organization from legal risks and potential lawsuits.

  4. Improving the candidate experience: A positive hiring process can help improve the candidate experience, which can be important for attracting and retaining top talent. By providing timely and clear communication, treating candidates with respect and professionalism, and providing a transparent hiring process, you can help ensure that candidates have a positive impression of your organization.

A well-designed hiring process can help your organization attract top talent, reduce bias, ensure compliance, and improve the candidate experience. So now that you are convinced, let's talk about creating the process.

The 3 phases that all hiring process needs

Now each of the phases in the graphic above may feel daunting but let’s take them one at a time. 

Step 1: Position Design

Position Design work like this, from the time you know you will need to hire, pull your hiring team together (If you’re a solopreneur, that means just you). In this step, you will need to do a few key things.


  • Determine what you're looking for

  • Craft a job description. 

  • Create an ideal employee avatar. Include their values, character, aspiration, etc…  

  • Decide on your search medium.

  • Decide on the types of tests, applications, number of interviews, & questions the candidates will need to go through.

Step 2: Conducting the interview

Interviewing is arguably the easiest and most difficult part of any hiring process. In this step, you must rely on your strengths and expose the candidate to opportunities to show you their capabilities. 


  • Make sure to ask questions or have tests that speak to the key characteristics you're looking for 

  • Remember that no candidate will be perfect.

  • Make this only as long as you need it to be. Most people know if they will hire someone in the first 15 minutes of meeting them. 

Step 3: Hiring 

Once the negotiating has ended and the employee is hired, that is when the real work begins. It will now be up to you and your team to ensure this person has the best opportunity to succeed. Here are a few things to consider having in place before the employee is hired to make sure they're successful.


  • Clear HR, Payroll onboarding (People need to know how they're getting paid)

  • A road map with expectations for the person's trial period 

  • Comprehensive training to teach

  • Necessary skills

  • Policies

  • Company Culture

  • Mission & Values

If you design your company's hiring process around these three steps. You will be setting your company up for success. 

For all my readers struggling with your hiring process. I would like to offer you a $1000 process design workshop for $750. To discover more about this special offer, please email with  Hiring Process in your email header.


Embracing Tough Love: A Winning Approach to Employee Management ROT Edition 10


What do a good manager and a Swiss Army Knife have in common?